"Fear has big eyes. No, of course, ”RIA Novosti quotes Peskov’s words in response to the question,“ Do our 400 fighters guard Maduro in Venezuela or not? ”

Previously, Reuters reported that Maduro was allegedly guarded by fighters of Russian PMCs.

On January 27, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called on European countries to withdraw the ultimatum put forward earlier to Caracas regarding the time for holding early elections in the country.

Earlier in Germany, France, Spain, Great Britain and other European countries they said that they would recognize the head of Venezuela, the chairman of the opposition National Assembly, Juan Guaido, if in the near future the country does not decide to hold elections.

On January 23rd, Guaido declared himself acting as Venezuelan leader.

At present, protests are held in Venezuela, organized by both opposition supporters and those who support the policies of the current authorities.