"Whoever wants to succeed has to break all the gates of sorrow." This is the principle of the young Iraqi Saman Awla (27 years), who suffers from a motor disability caused by an accident ran about 18 years ago, to turn it into a positive energy changed his life, and changed the lives of others.

Saman did not succumb to the handicap he suffered in 2000 when he was 11 years old, in his hometown of Shaklawa district of Erbil province, which prevented him from completing his childhood with playing ball, swimming and riding a bicycle, and when he looked for what was different he found his voice In his surroundings.

Saman Gamal took his voice and employed him to sing in Arabic and Kurdish, which led him to rely on himself by reading a lot of books on the types of makamat and ways to play to be a singer and a musician who was able to shoot clips later, His poetic talent was instrumental in the singing and playing field, and he participated in many of the high-profile festivals and succeeded.

Saman during an interview with a member of the Parliament of Kurdistan, Lisa Flak religion (Al Jazeera)

However, there is no doubt that the suffering plays a role in Saman's diary, even though it is less than expected, but he stressed that he suffers from some of the daily things because of his disability, but what makes him happy and supportive is to support some of his friends and help him, especially in moving him to work and climbing the car. His friend Khudair Fakher is the closest to him in this field, who told us how committed he was to accompanying Saman; he was proud to accompany the childhood that the disability incident was not an obstacle to completing.

Taha Hassan expresses his admiration for Saman's activism, stressing that he and his disabled companions regard him as a role model for them. They view him as a catalyst for continued life, despite all the difficulties and embarrassments he faces in society.

Saman relied on himself to exceed the limits of talent and refinement, so he was able to secure a source of livelihood through the maintenance of mobile and computer maintenance, he was able to open a shop of his own, to become a family and material material, and provide the expenses of his needs, to earn an amount that enabled him to buy a modest car. Despite all the labor concerns and the difficulty of the movement, he built another ambition in the future, and insisted on returning to continue the study.

These activities inspire the spirit of hope in this class by imitating it and following the pitfalls of life and non-despair. It is a continuous and important lesson to continue life and engage in society.

Feeling others
His self-sufficiency did not stop him from feeling the needs and suffering of other disabled people. He worked hard and took responsibility. After a great effort, he established and headed the Bausch Association for the Disabled, through which he extended a helping hand to many of them. Passed by and touched the tragedy, and began to get support from some quarters, especially the Red Crescent Society.

"From time to time, Saman is holding festivals that offer what many institutions can not afford." This is confirmed by Kurdistan Regional Parliament Member Liza Falak Al Din. She speaks with astonishment about Saman's series of festivals for his peers, saying that these activities inspire hope in this class. It is a continuous and important lesson to continue life and engage in society, and to kill disparities between them and other classes to eliminate acts of societal disrespect.

A spiritual guide
Farhad Khayat, a civil society official and a human rights activist, says that the young man's status among the handicapped as a spiritual guide is not by providing employment opportunities to others, but by leading them and urging them to continue. The country is in itself a matter of forcing you to respect such a person who has managed to create a niche and put a fingerprint in a society where poverty seems clear.