Saturday, November 3, 2018, the boat of two professional fishermen septuagenarians, from Réville (Val-de-Saire), capsized and sunk as they raised and set their lockers.

It was about 1:30 pm, this Saturday, November 3, 2018, when the alert was given to leave to rescue two professional fishermen septuagenarians, from Réville (Val-de-Saire). While they were about 1.4 miles off the coast to pick up and set their traps, their 6 boat capsized and sank for an undetermined reason.

If one of the two fishermen managed to get back to the rocks, the other went adrift. "It was seeing the fisherman on the rocks that witnesses gave warning," said SNSM members.

Field dispatched, the SNSM began the search with the help of the tire of the firefighter and the Caiman helicopter of the Navy. "After several minutes, the drifting fisherman was found and reassembled in the firefighter's tire, which gave him first aid, as well as cardiac massages. Despite the intervention of the helpers, the fisherman has died. "

Vital prognosis engaged for the second fisherman

On the rocks, the firemen tried to revive the other unconscious fisherman. Helpled to the Cherbourg Pasteur hospital, its vital prognosis is engaged.

The boat was towed to the port of Saint-Vaast. An investigation was entrusted to the Maritime Gendarmerie.