Since its acquisition in 2008 by the Finistere group Sill, the dairy Malo, based in Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine) is experiencing sustained growth. Its turnover (+95 million euros in 2018) is growing by more than 10% per year, in the fresh products sector.

Created in 1948 by Raymond Gizard, the dairy of Saint-Malo has a smile. The brand Malo, recognizable by its logo that represents the ramparts of the corsair city, manages to pull out of the game against giants like Danone or Yoplait.Son secret? Staying on its fundamentals, while evolving. "Our niche is the authentic tradition market," says Frédérick Bourget, Marketing Director of Sill Group. The big competitors, we do not look at them. We can not compete frontally. "

Chain innovations

The ramparts of Saint-Malo on the logo of the brand. | Isabelle Lê

Malo has consolidated its sales force with the dairy Le Gall, known for its churn butter. It multiplies the innovations. Latest news: a raspberry (dessert made from curdled milk with rennet) organic chocolate and for the Route du Rhum, a fresh cheese rum-grapes. Between yogurts, fresh cheeses, mousses, a hundred specialties are made on the site malouin.En this moment, the company works on more creamy textures that "will require different packaging. "

Cardboard pots

Two years ago, the dairy developed the glass jars and continues to produce the yoghurt packaged in cardboard jars that have made its reputation. Since 2008, investments continue at a steady pace of nearly 2.5 million a year. A ramp up is planned with a new line of pasteurization and cardboard pots, buying a concentrator.

Draining fresh cheese in canvas bags. | Isabelle Lê

The Saint-Malo plant employs 200 people. "We have hired ten people a year in the last ten years, despite the robotization", says Xavier Macé, site director.The dairy turnover will exceed 95 million euros in 2018. It achieves 45% of its activity in milk powder, intended for the production of high-end chocolate.