The head of the Sudanese Umma Party, Sadiq al-Mahdi, stressed that the time is ripe for change and the adoption of democratic rule, warning of attempts by the Khartoum regime to abort the recent demonstrations in Sudanese cities through internal coup or power takeover.

Mahdi said in a press statement yesterday the attempts of the regime in Khartoum to abort the current demonstrations, and predicted that the attempts to accelerate the success of the revolution, and identified Mahdi four points he said it may abort the revolutionary movement in the country, including the lack of vision on the historical alternative required, And the abandonment of peaceful, as well as foreign interventions motivated by counter-revolution.

He stressed the possibility of "bringing about change because of the fragile system of government in the country," and believes that the weakness of the system contribute to the conflict between the forces within.

"Now is a historic opportunity for the forces of change to make a wider change from the Arab Spring model and to move towards a new phase, the most important of which is democratic governance that achieves participation, accountability, transparency and rule of law."

In the meantime, the women's convoy that was launched in the city of Omdurman turned into a demonstration in the neighborhoods after the authorities blocked access to the buildings of the women's prison in the city, dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas, and carried out a campaign of arrests among them, according to eyewitnesses.

The gathering of Sudanese professionals "informal trade unionist" called for a women's convoy yesterday heading to the women's prison in Omdurman, to demand the release of a number of women who were arrested in demonstrations in Khartoum in previous processions.