“This time they are trying to stick the label of“ disloyalty ”and“ Kremlin agent ”on an authoritative public figure, chairman of the Association of Teachers of Russian Schools of Lithuania, history teacher Ella Kanite,” Zakharova said.

According to her, against the teacher, a harassment and aggressive campaign of the local media and Lithuanian special services was organized.

“Russian-speaking youth begin to be exposed to ostracism under far-fetched pretexts. Thus, the methods of repressive pressure in the form of “preventive conversations” and searches without any grounds were recently applied to one of the participants of the conference of Russian compatriots Pavel Zhevzhikova held in Vilnius, ”Zakharova added.

She stressed that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the growing “arbitrary police brutality unleashed against the Russian-speaking community in favor of the internal political situation in Lithuania”.

At the end of February it was reported that teaching in Russian in Latvian schools for national minorities could become fully optional. This initiative was launched by the State Center for Educational Content of Latvia.

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