On April 16, 1984, the USSR Council of Ministers published a decree on the development of the Uran sea complex with the Kh-35 cruise missile (3M24). The government of the USSR chose the Moscow-based “Zvezda” design bureau as the lead developer of ammunition (at present it is the Zvezda-Strela State Research and Production Center, which is part of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation). The purpose of the new missile was to effectively defeat boats, corvettes, frigates and enemy destroyers.

The development of this weapon was launched in response to the appearance of the American ship-borne rocket RGM-84 Harpoon and the successful combat use of the French Exocet. On May 4, 1982, during the Anglo-Argentine conflict around the Falkland Islands, the small Exocet rocket hit the British destroyer Sheffield.

The French rocket was launched by the Argentine Super Etendard attack aircraft. Ammunition hit the side of the ship, but did not explode. Exocet hit caused a major fire that claimed the lives of 20 sailors. Despite the damage, Sheffield remained afloat for several days, but on May 10 it sank.

This event caused a huge resonance in the world. According to military expert Yuri Knutov, the death of a British destroyer demonstrated how dangerous weapons can be small-sized anti-ship missiles.

  • Rocket ship "Tatarstan" firing from the complex "Uranus"
  • RIA News
  • © Denis Abramov

“At that time, the Zvezda Design Bureau already had groundwork on a new-generation anti-ship missile for arming corvettes, boats and aircraft. However, the incident with the destruction of the destroyer served as an additional incentive for the start of work. There is no doubt that such weapons will be in demand in the fleet, especially for the defense of our shores and ship groupings, ”Knutov explained in an interview with RT.

"Original weapon"

Draft sample X-35 was prepared in 1983. Soviet engineers had to create a universal cruise missile to destroy naval targets. In addition to the ship variant, it was planned to launch the release of modifications for the armament of fighters, bombers, helicopters and coastal complexes.

“The idea was to create a highly effective means of defeating enemy ships, which with minimal changes could be used by ships, aircraft and coastal systems. Externally, the X-35 resembled the American "Harpoon". Most likely, domestic specialists borrowed its individual elements, but in general, the X-35 is a completely original weapon, ”explained Knutov.

The first test launch of the X-35 prototype took place on November 5, 1985 in the Crimea, at the test site of the 31st test center of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The rocket left the transport-launching device, flew 50 meters and fell into the sea. Rocket tests continued throughout the second half of the 1980s. First of all, engineers checked the operation of the engine and automation.

The prototype Kh-35 was first introduced to the general public in 1992 at Zhukovsky at the Mosaeroshow (now MAKS). The demonstration of the rocket was largely a forced step — the Zvezda Design Bureau expected to conclude export contracts due to the lack of state funding after the collapse of the USSR.

The greatest interest in the X-35 caused by India. In 1994, the company entered into a contract with New Delhi for the supply of the Uran-E ship complex. Cooperation with India allowed the "Star" to retain qualified personnel and continue to develop ammunition. In 1992-1997, the second stage of flight tests was conducted. The launches were carried out from the missile boat P-44 of the Black Sea Fleet.

Since the Soviet times, Ukrainian enterprises have participated in cooperation in creating the X-35. In 1993, the governments of the Russian Federation and Ukraine agreed to continue development work on ammunition. Until 2001, missiles were tested in the Crimea (until 2014 it was part of Ukraine), then - exclusively at Russian test sites. On the armament of the Navy X-35 was adopted in 2004.

  • The launch of an anti-ship cruise missile by the Bal coastal missile system
  • RIA News
  • © Igor Zarembo

“When developing the Kh-35, domestic experts solved many new problems. But the main reason for which the creation of a rocket was delayed is the lack of necessary funding from the state. We must pay tribute to the team of OKB "Star", which in the 1990s, worked on the project, realizing its great importance to the needs of the Navy. As soon as the economic situation improved, the Ministry of Defense invested the necessary amount in the development of the X-35, ”Knutov said.

According to the expert, the only mistake of "Stars" was the cooperation with Ukrainian contractors. Using the fruits of cooperation, in 2018 the Kiev Luch Design Bureau developed the Neptune rocket. However, according to Knutov, the Ukrainian company used technology from the times of the USSR and the 1990s. Currently in service with the Russian Federation are more advanced versions of the X-35.

"Modernization resource is not exhausted"

The key advantages of the rocket are very modest weight and size characteristics, increased range, high maneuverability and powerful warhead. Even a small ship (with a displacement of about 500 tons) is capable of carrying up to 16 missiles.

The length of the ship and coastal version of the X-35 is 4.4 m, the diameter of the hull is 42 cm, the wingspan is 1.3 m, the launch weight is 670 kg, the range is up to 260-280 km, the mass of the high-explosive warhead is 145 kg Aviation modifications of the X-35 differ in reduced length (3.8 m) and weight (550-650 kg).

  • X-35U on the left-hand pylon of the Su-35S fighter
  • © Allocer / Wikipedia

The outstanding combat performance of the rocket was achieved thanks to an economical small-sized turbojet engine and a special powder accelerator. Innovative power plant gives the ammunition a powerful starting impulse and allows you to make a long flight with low fuel consumption.

Most of the way the Kh-35 flies at an altitude of 4-15 m, depending on the excitement of the sea. This makes it difficult for it to be detected by radar and interception by antimissiles. Approaching the target, the ammunition makes a jump and attacks, coming out of the peak. The speed of a subsonic rocket is 0.8–0.85 Mach. X-35 can be used in almost any weather conditions and in a storm up to 6 points.

High accuracy and noise immunity of the rocket are provided through the use of active-passive radar homing head (GOS) ARGS-35 developed by NPP Radar-MMS (St. Petersburg). It seizes the target at a distance of 20-50 km.

“The homing head excludes the use of radar stations. The rocket independently moves to the target and carries out the necessary maneuvers. Accuracy is a few meters. True, the GSN captures the target in the final leg of the flight, and after launch, the rocket uses an inertial control system and satellite navigation, ”Knutov said.

Currently, various modifications of the X-35 are included in the arsenal of Russian frigates, corvettes, small rocket ships, boats, combat aircraft (MiG-29, Su-30, Su-35), helicopters (Ka-27 and Ka-28) and coastal complexes "Ball". Abroad, the X-35 is used by the naval forces of India, Algeria, Vietnam, Venezuela, and Turkmenistan. Copies of the Russian rocket uses the fleet of the DPRK and Myanmar.

In a conversation with RT, the chief editor of the magazine Arsenal of the Fatherland, Viktor Murakhovsky, said that the creation of the X-35 was a serious success for the defense industry. To date, the rocket of the OKB "Star" provide reliable deterrence of a potential enemy naval forces. At the same time, Moscow-based engineers commissioned by the RF Ministry of Defense are working on upgrading the X-35.

“The Kh-35 is a modern and very formidable strike weapon, which fully meets current tasks. The rocket gained popularity in the army, including because of the unpretentious operation. For example, it can be in a transport-launch container for a long time. Today, the X-35 continues to improve. Improved versions will have greater range and less visibility, "- said Murakhovsky.

A somewhat different point of view is held by Yuri Knutov. As the expert predicts, the widespread use of Caliber cruise missiles and the imminent appearance of the Zircon hypersonic complex could lead to a gradual ousting of the ship versions of the X-35 in the Navy.

“With all its merits, the X-35 is inferior in range to the Calibram and cannot match the Zircon, which will probably become the most formidable non-nuclear weapon of the Navy. Most likely, this rocket will remain in service with boats and naval aviation, and will also be actively promoted for export - its modernization resource has not yet been exhausted, ”Knutov said.