A sick member of the Russian activist group Pussy Riot, Pyotr Wersilow, should have been flown to Berlin and treated there. This reports the "Bild" newspaper. The activist Nadezhda Tolokonnikova published tweets, which apparently show the arrival in Berlin.


- nadya (@tolokno) September 15, 2018

Wersilov and three other Pussy Riot members had caused a sensation at the World Cup final in mid-July in Moscow when they stormed onto the pitch. Disguised as police, they protested against police violence in Russia. They were sentenced to prison sentences.

Last Tuesday, Wersilov was taken to a hospital in Moscow with visual, speech and consciousness disturbances. His colleagues suspected a targeted poisoning.

Wersilow's treatment should continue in Berlin, said his "Riot" colleague Veronika Nikulschina on Saturday the Internet newspaper "Meduza". A friend of the family Wersilow, who works in a Berlin clinic, should have offered the treatment outside of Russia.