Omar Al-Hourani - Al Jazeera Net

A few days before the anniversary of the Syrian revolution, hundreds of people from Daraa, south of Syria, staged a demonstration, the first of its kind since the regime took control of the provinces of Daraa and Quneitra following the reconciliation agreement between Russia and the opposition in July 2018.

The demonstration witnessed a wide participation of civilians, along with the members of the crisis cell in Daraa al-Balad region, including lawyer Adnan al-Masalma and Sheikh Faisal Abazid. They marched to the cemetery of the martyrs, which included the remains of hundreds of people killed by the regime's forces. Eight years ago.

Abazaid: The regime is failing to provide services to the districts of Daraa (Al Jazeera)

Sheikh Faisal Abazid said during the demonstration that "the revolution is an idea, and from here I started, and the ideas that the art of its owners remained. What happened during the last period is a first step called a settlement. It is supposed to come after steps, including restoring the rights to its owners, preserving the dignity of the people, , And the withdrawal of the army from the cities, but all those steps violated the regime by.

The member of the crisis cell in Daraa must be united to achieve these goals, and to live in a free and independent homeland that guarantees the dignity of all, otherwise the country will turn into a farm for people in violation of civil rights, as he described it.

Abazid stressed that the system failed to provide services to the districts of Daraa of the country of water, electricity and health services on the grounds of lack of possibilities, at a time when millions spent on the reconstruction of the statue of Hafez al-Assad in the city center, although a different personality among the people.

"We must insist on our peaceful demands that guarantee our full rights," said Adnan al-Masalama, a lawyer for the demonstration.

Peaceful: The regime's army must withdraw from the cities and towns (the island)

He explained that the system has worked during the past few days to collect hundreds of civilians from various areas of Daraa in the center of the province to carry out a march in favor, giving them the right to go out to protest the freedom of detainees and the return of employees dismissed from their jobs.

He pointed out that the peaceful need to withdraw the army of the regime from the cities and towns and return to its positions before 2011, considering that there is no need for the presence of weapons between civilians after the settlement agreement and the end of hostilities, and the lack of possession of the opposition weapons, and stressed that the spread of the regime forces prevent the opening of several markets in Some areas.

For its part, the crisis cell condemned the recent events in Daraa, where the residents were accused of "treachery, arrest, murder, fear, abandonment, blame and injustice." This puts the citizen in a state of anticipation, mixed with feelings of humiliation and oppression.

City of Tafs
A demonstration against the regime was held for the first time in the western countryside since the regime's control of the province. Demonstrators supported the demands of the revolution and called for an end to the shelling of opposition areas in northern Syria and the release of the detainees.

The demonstrators chanted slogans calling for the overthrow of the regime and freedom and dignity, in conjunction with the launch of a campaign on the means of social communication under the name of the word "local", meaning that the statue that was erected will be dropped.

The Syrian opposition coalition issued a statement supporting the demonstrators and stressed the continuation of the popular movement until reaching a democratic civilian state.