Military sources in the resistance confirmed that the military battle to liberate Hodeidah is over, and that what is currently happening is security operations carried out by the joint resistance to secure the city, while the leadership of the second military region in Yemen, yesterday, the launch of the task «Iron Fist», to expand the military deployment west Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout province, while Yemeni army forces continued to advance on the White, Saada and Dhalea fronts, where they were able to liberalize strategic positions.

In a statement to Emirates Today, Captain Rashid Mohammed Mbakhout explained that the West Coast fronts have become militarily settled and what is currently taking place in the neighborhoods of Hodeidah is a security operation to hunt down armed terrorist elements represented by Houthis isolated inside some neighborhoods. Some of them in the port of Medina, and only practice extortion.

"We can now say that Hodeidah is liberated, and that the resistance forces are surrounded by three of them," he said. Iranian militias no longer have any place on the coast. They are only trying to register a presence in the media and the international community by deploying scattered elements here and there to carry out terrorist acts to portray to the world that they are in the city. In fact, what is happening in Hodeidah is operations Wish to come Linha, the real battle ended in a fall of the airport and the area of ​​16 kilometers and streets of Sanaa and ninety. »

For its part, sources in the National Resistance «Guards of the Republic», led by Brigadier Tareq Saleh, and participate in the framework of the Yemeni resistance joint, that all the sites and hideouts of the Houthi militias in the uninhabited neighborhoods in the city of Hodeidah monitored and monitored, and all the infiltrations that try to implement Be known and monitored, and are thwarted despite the intensity of fire that you use.

On the other hand, the Iranian-backed Houthi militias continued to send reinforcements and heavy weapons to areas on the outskirts of Hodeidah, especially in the northern parts, and sent heavy artillery and Katyusha rocket launchers to areas near the Ras Issa area and several farms on the Salih line.

Local sources confirmed that the Houthi militias have been transporting heavy weapons, including tanks, rocket launchers and artillery and missile ammunition, to the various fronts of the West Coast in Hodeidah. They have also established a factory for the manufacture of naval mines and various types of containers.

In addition, the militias continued targeting civilians in the liberated areas of Hodeidah. They shelled areas of Al-Hawk neighborhood in the south of Hodeidah with mortars, destroying a number of houses and shelling neighborhoods and popular markets in the districts of Tahita, Hays and Darihmi.

In Saada, the army, supported by the coalition, managed to carry out a wide-ranging operation of the remaining small trenches that follow the liberated Al-Azhur mountain range and reached the Al-Ali and Al-Thabit areas, which were completely liberated. .

Field sources pointed out that the Yemeni forces began the process of clearing those sites of mines and explosive devices, and boasted large quantities of weapons during the combing operations.

At the Maran front in Haidan, the hometown of militia leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, army forces reached the outskirts of Wadi al-Fajr, which houses the caves of Abdul-Malik al-Houthi's houses, his brothers and a number of his commanders, and the army began combing those caves and houses amid fierce fighting. .

The military sources in the field that the Yemeni army forces arrived in the area of ​​Maran, and that the life of Abdul-Malik al-Huthi and his place are not safe, pointing out that Houthi may have been transferred from Saada, as troops near Okara, to areas in the nearby mountains of Hajjah.

In al-Bayda, central Yemen, field sources confirmed that the army had reached two kilometers on the strategic road that divides al-Bayda into two areas. Militias in nine districts in the south of the province are isolated from other districts.

The sources explained that the army has fully completed the security of the poor area between the districts of Nata and Nu'man, which is now a meeting area of ​​the Yemeni army, and was able to strengthen control in the scandal and the mines, after liberation Horan network and the gas station in a battle involving coalition fighters that bombed reinforcements for militias in the region , Which led to the destruction of three tanks, and a number of military vehicles that were heading towards the fronts of engagement.

The sources pointed out that the battles after the liberation of the junction of tenths will be not before, as the areas after the junction open and easy to reach to cut the only supply route to the militia towards the south of the white, which leads the army towards the strategic Afar Junction link between the army sites in Nata, Governorate Center.

In Dhala, fighting continued on the Maris and Demat fronts north of the province, between the army on the one hand and the Houthi militia on the other, resulting in the displacement of more than 500 families from their homes to safe areas, according to the UNHCR.

In the capital Sana'a, informed sources confirmed that the leader of the militias, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, issued directives to change the field supervisors in Sanaa and a number of provinces under their control and arrest, and replaced by new supervisors from Saada trained by Iranian experts, including 200 Musharraf returned to Yemen before Months from Tehran, after receiving military and sectarian courses.

The differences within the Iranian militias escalated, leading to conflicting powers among their leaders in Sana'a as a result of the successive defeats on various fronts. The leaders of the militias from Saada were furious among non-members, amid accusations of treason.

The clashes escalated to the extent of fighting in the Nham area northeast of Sanaa, killing a number of Huthis, including two field commanders and wounding others. Sources close to the fighting attributed the issue of Abdulmalik al-Houthi to the next leader of Saada, Abu Yousef al-Sa'adi, orders to abduct elements belonging to the Directorate Nhm, accusing them of treason.

In Hadramout, the second military zone command, on its official Facebook page, announced the launch of the "Iron Fist" mission west of Mukalla, and explained that the mission is to tighten the security grip on the directorates of the coast of Hadramout.

The elite forces of Hadramiya in the second military area, yesterday, carried out the task of iron fist widespread spread in the Directorate of the west of Mukalla.

The operation comes within the framework of joint efforts between the Command of the Second Military Region and the Arab Coalition Forces to combat terrorism and to bring security and stability to the region.

- All sites and hideouts of the Iranian Houthi militias

In the undeveloped neighborhoods of Hodeidah

Monitored and monitored.


Field Supervisor Houthi

They were appointed following

Their return from Tehran,

After receiving courses

Military and sectarian.