Thirty students from the Rennes School of Business launch the new edition of their free guide to the city, the Flâneur. A selection of 300 bars, restaurants, shops and places of culture.

It measures 10 centimeters by 13, slips into the pocket and yet it contains the whole city of Rennes or almost ... The 6th edition of the guide flâneur, a free and practical guide to the city, just came out of the printing press. Charlotte Coulin, Antoine Vincent and thirty other students from the Rennes School of Business are at the initiative of this project. They spent a year, in addition to their courses, to scour the cafes, restaurants, shops and places of culture of the city to select 300 addresses, which, in their eyes, are worth the detour. Result: a guide that sweeps all the price offers, from "fast food to gourmet" and offers a "fresh look" to invite tourists and Rennes to (re) discover the city.

Every year, students follow immutable rules. They test all the addresses in "anonymous" , like the Routard. Another principle: none of the selected places pays the editors of the Flâneur.

Institutional recognition

The initiative seems to seduce the officials. "The Tourist Office loves," say the two students. "They often pick up our Instagram photos and would like to leave more guides on their premises. This year, a new personality has emerged: "The Mayor of Rennes contacted us to support us. She is the godmother of this edition of the guide. "

For this 6th edition, students have passed a milestone: They have printed this year 11,000 copies of their guide, 1000 more than in previous years. A stock they will sell largely, Saturday City Hall Square, for their official launch.

Launch day Saturday, November 17, from 9 am to 6 pm Place de la Mairie