François Hollande is expected in Rennes, Thursday, October 11, to participate in the fair of experimentations and innovations solidarity. Insubordinate France asks him to cancel his arrival ... because of the weapons sold by France.

The former President of the Republic comes to Rennes, Thursday, October 11, debate social and solidarity economy (ESS) at the Fair of experimentations and innovations solidarity (SEIS). "His arrival should not obliterate his intense activity in favor of the arms trade, denounces France Insomniest Rennes Metropolis, in a statement. If the SSE had benefited from the same hard work, the same support and the same growth rate, we could congratulate ourselves on the arrival of this gentleman. "

France on the podium of arms dealers

According to the rebellious Rennes, "François Hollande has allowed France to access the third step of the macabre podium of the largest arms sellers in the world (between 2013 and 2017, according to the Swedish research center sipri, Ed) ."

France insubordinate Rennes Métropole asks the former President of the French Republic "to cancel his visit so that the scandal that surrounds it does not come to tarnish a show exploring new forms of commerce that aspire to free themselves from greed and immoral " .