Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Solidarities and Health, was this Wednesday in Rennes. She spoke at the Congress of the Federation of Private Hospitals and Human Services (Fehap).

The private non-profit sector is in congress for two days in Rennes. In the field of health, this powerful federation alone counts 4,600 establishments and services in France, employing 280,000 employees. "An essential interlocutor, carried by humanistic values , " as summed up by Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Health, who visited the Jacobins' convent on Wednesday to browse the stands and deliver a speech to more than 800 delegates.

The Minister walked the stands before giving a speech to the delegates. | THOMAS BREGARDIS / WEST FRANCE

Attached to "territorial equity"

She took advantage of this speech to raise concerns in the opinion, which are expressed in particular through the movement of yellow vests. "I feel the urgency of the territories, we must be at the rendezvous of the French worried about their health system, she said. I see it well through my travels in the field. I hear local elected officials clueless, French people who feel they are left behind. "

The minister is making territories a priority. In this, it relays the message of the President of the Republic. "I am committed to territorial equity, to the Girondin spirit , " said Agnès Buzyn. It intends to lead the reform called "My health 2022", launched by Emmanuel Macron, in consultation with the actors concerned.

Agnes Buzyn has discovered innovations in the service of patients, developed by Fehap institutions. | THOMAS BREGARDIS / WEST FRANCE

"Inequalities persist in France"

Antoine Dubout, president of Fehap heard the message. For him, "this transformation plan is based on observations that we share. He promises a commitment from his federation, "while remaining demanding and vigilant. According to him, "inequalities persist in France, public policies must work to avoid being out of order," thinking of the most vulnerable.

The president of Fehap calls for territorial health projects, so that the organization decides in the future at the local level. The opposite of a system where everything is decreed vertically from Paris. "We must go further than the current texts," knowing that Fehap has drafted a roadmap with concrete proposals.

The Force Ouvrière union received by a councilor

Locally, the union Force Ouvrière also wanted to be heard by the Minister of Health, to worry about the "worsening of austerity policies . " About 15 protesters gathered in front of the Jacobin convent at noon, before a delegation was received later in the day by an adviser to the minister.