The AfD member of parliament Jens Maier is no longer suspected of having written an insulting tweet to Noah Becker, the son of tennis star Boris Becker. The public prosecutor Dresden has stopped its investigation into the case. These had revealed that a Dresdner employee Maiers wrote the short message and deposed, the authority said.

Accordingly, the 24-year-old employee had been responsible for the Twitter account. He had already admitted the act, the investigation against him continued - but still missing a criminal complaint, said a spokesman for the prosecutor.

The trigger for the investigation against Maier was a tweet that was distributed on January 2 through the personally registered to the deputies Twitter account. In it Noah Becker was called a "little half-negro". Shortly after publication, the tweet was deleted.

Maier already stated that he did not write the message himself. Many complaints were filed against the deputy and his immunity waived for the duration of the proceedings. Becker demanded 15,000 euros compensation. Maier has already rejected the claim - and according to SPIEGEL information Becker himself assumed racism.