They are angry at Minister Nicole Belloubet's justice reform project. Thursday, December 6, the lawyers of the bar of Quimper (Finistère) will make their consultations free. As for the assize trials, scheduled for December 14, they will take place.

This is a strong gesture on the part of Quimper's angry lawyers: Thursday, December 6th, men and women of the Quimpérois bar will offer their services for free, to whoever wishes. These consultations will take place at the Quimper family allowance fund (Caf), 1 avenue de Ti-Douar, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am and from 2 pm to 4 pm

This step is part of the national anger movement of lawyers, opposed to the project of reform of justice led by Minister Nicole Belloubet and which, according to Nicolas Josselin, president of Quimper, "will diminish the rights of the defense . "

The sitting session maintained

Also as part of the mobilization against the judicial reform, the Quimpoists lawyers had evoked, initially, "a mobilization during the session of the Assize Court, from December 3 to 14" . "We did not ask for a referral, trial sitings will run normally," says Nicolas Josselin. A motion will however be read, in the Assize Room, on Tuesday, December 4, at the beginning of the hearing.