A supervisor was assaulted by an inmate on Friday in Riom prison. According to FO-Prison, the detainee has already been involved in several incidents.

A supervisor at the Riom prison in Puy-de-Dôme was assaulted Friday by an inmate, reports the daily La Montagne .

The attack took place around 7:30, says the local FO-penitentiary in a statement. The altercation would be part of an innocuous request. The detainee allegedly asked for tobacco, and then, in the face of the supervisor's refusal to respond immediately to her request, insulted her, before "grabbing her by the collar and dragging her to her cell". Alerted by the noise, several agents were able to run and control the individual.

11 passages in disciplinary committee

According to La Montagne , the supervisor is injured cervical. She was taken to the hospital for further tests. The detainee was placed "in prevention" at the disciplinary ward.

In its statement, the union claims that the detainee, who arrived as part of a disciplinary transfer from a prison in Saint-Etienne, "has been the subject of numerous complaints from prison staff since his arrest. incarceration". "He counts 11 passages in Disciplinary Committee on two institutions, 13 reports of incidents at CP Riom since September 2018, and was followed for a risk of aggression on personnel," says FO-penitentiary.