By RFIPalled on 10-01-2019Modified on 10-01-2019 at 00:13

After the Jan. 7 coup attempt in Libreville, the National Civil Society Platform calls for the opening of an independent inquiry and questions the "absence and silence" of President Ali Bongo.

" This coup is at least intriguing, " says a source close to Gabonese power. The shadows are indeed many, especially if we dwell on the profile of the mutineers, who are rather young, and their small number, only about ten men, or the fact that the leader of the group was able to escape even if he was caught later. Their message was quite long and lasted six minutes. He was structured and toured on national radio for more than three hours.

Was it really a kind of suicidal operation conducted in all unconsciousness? Were these soldiers manipulated? Were they on duty? " Anything is possible, " says the source who also wonders about possible correlations with rivalries that have been exacerbated in power in the past two months.

" In any case, it highlights the instability that our country is going through , because the big loser is Ali Bongo. This new episode shows how weak power is ", explains one opponent. " That's wrong ," says the side of the presidency. This coup attempt was quickly brought under control. Institutions work. You must not make a stream an ocean .

Marcel Libama, one of the leaders of Unit Dynamics, one of the Platform's movements, is one of the personalities mentioned in the military statement on 7 January. These personalities were supposed to take part in the "National Council of restoration" that wanted to establish the group of soldiers. During a press conference, he said he was "not involved in this coup attempt, " and said he was threatened.

All the light must be shed on this affair.

Putsch aborted in Gabon: Paul Libama, one of the leaders of Unit Dynamics, quoted by the mutineers in their statement

09-01-2019 - By RFI

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