The corresponding document was published by the press service of the Kremlin.

“Ensure that amendments are made to the legislation of the Russian Federation that ... create a single register of citizens eligible for provision of medicines, specialized medical food products, medical products at the expense of the federal budget and subjects' budgets,” the document says.

The government is also instructed to provide medicines at the expense of the budget of needy citizens during outpatient treatment, on the basis that the provision of drugs "is carried out in the amount not less than that provided by the list of essential and essential drugs."

As indicated in the document, the government needs to submit proposals for modernizing the system of providing citizens with medicines and limiting the practice of identifying the only suppliers of medicines to meet state and municipal needs by July 1, 2020.

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a document on the expansion of the list of essential drugs to 735 drugs.

On December 6, Medvedev declared that the Russians did not threaten the shortage of drugs and the increase in their prices.