This writes the correspondent of the newspaper "Kommersant" Andrei Kolesnikov.

“He came to the summit at the Suntec trade fair center and wanted to pass, as usual, past the scope of the metal detector, which in such cases stands for anyone but not for him. Nevertheless, Vladimir Putin was carefully redirected through the frame, ”the publication says.

The journalist calls the situation “without exaggeration unique,” ​​because in such cases, the head of state and ministers are allowed an additional free passage.

At the same time, according to him, after Putin passed through a metal detector, he “rang”.

November 14, Vladimir Putin took part in the meeting of the Russia-ASEAN summit.

Later, he held a conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, after which it became known about the agreement reached to speed up negotiations on a peace treaty.

Abe, at the same time, promised that an agreement with Russia would be concluded.