The demonstrations against the Syrian Democratic Forces (Qods) were renewed in the rural areas of the cities of Raqqa and Deir al-Zour in northeastern Syria, because they were recruited by "traffic" within the traffic police, while nine were killed by Russian shelling on the western Hama countryside.

The Spokesman for the Council of the Democratic Syria, Amjad Othman, commented on the phenomenon of the protests sweeping the villages of Deir al-Zour, saying that it is "an area that has been liberated for a short time and needs great attention and the requirements of its population." He described what is going on as " In the coming days".

"We are following this closely, and we are trying to understand these requests and discuss them with the residents of the region," Osman said in a press statement.

For its part, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights that the town of Ain Issa, north-west of Raqqa, is witnessing growing popular discontent with the practices of the traffic police in the town controlled by «Qsd».

The observatory pointed out that the reasons for the resentment of the town's residents of Qusd are due to the appointment of former members of the Da'ash organization within the Traffic Police, after they were finally released by tribal mediation.

He added that «the elements of former Daqash have registered more than 1200 different violations against the people within three days».

According to the Observatory and other sources identical, «the traffic police, which appointed former members of (Da'ash) in their ranks, roaming the streets and neighborhoods of the town accompanied by heavy weapon, and intervene in all walks of life».

In the meantime, sources close to «Qsad» revealed that the causes of protests in the countryside of Deir al-Zour, is due to the demand of some clans of their share of oil extracted in the areas «Qsd».

The sources added that «elements of these clans supported by the Syrian regime is constantly moving, especially as the areas of government forces are experiencing a crisis of large fuels, particularly gasoline».

On the other hand, the Syrian opposition announced yesterday, killing nine people and injuring more than 15 others, including women and children, as Russian warplanes bombed the western Hama countryside.

A source in the civil defense, of the Syrian opposition, said that Russian warplanes launched more than 11 raids on the city of the fortress of the Strait and the village of Hawash in the western Hama, pointing out that Russian aviation targeted a number of cities and towns in the countryside of Hama yesterday, Rocket and artillery of government forces artillery.

The source confirmed that «a large displacement in the city and its nearby countryside (since dawn yesterday), after being subjected to successive raids».

On the other hand, the army of pride of the Free Syrian Army announced its refusal to conduct patrols of the Russian army in the area of ​​reducing the escalation in the countryside of Hama and Idlib, and called on civilians in the areas of engagement to stay away from Russian patrols as a target of the army of pride.

The announcement of the «army of pride» targeting the Russian forces because of raids by Russian aircraft on the opposition control areas in Idlib and the countryside of Hama.