Magdy Mostafa

Three months before India's general election in April and May, India's opposition Congress Party brought former Prime Minister Andira Gandhi's granddaughter to politics.

The party has chosen Barinka as its secretary-general in Uttar Pradesh, India's most densely populated state, hoping to boost its position and restore some of its glories, which have been lost to the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party for nearly 21 years.

India's Prijanka Gandhi kicked off her election campaign in the state of Uttar Pradesh on Monday after spending her night at the family's home in the city of Godabad, a palace called Swarj Bhavan, where her grandmother Andira Gandhi was born in November 1917.

Priyanka has chosen to take her tour of the cities and towns of the state, an independent boat will cut 100 kilometers in the river Ganges - sacred to the Hindus - from Godabad to Varanasi, the constituency of Prime Minister Narendra Mody, leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, Another leading Hindu ritual of worship.

In Godabad, Priyanka Gandhi, 47, spoke of her memories of the palace and her grandmother Andira, who was assassinated in October 1984. "When I sit in Swaraj Bhavan's courtyard, I can see the room where my grandmother, Indira Gandhi, was born," she said.

She talks about the stories that Grandma told her before she went to sleep. She says she was telling her the stories of John Drake, as she quotes the Indian language of the grandmother saying, "Be free of your fears, and everything will be fine."

Priyanka later left for Sangam - the junction of the Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati mythologies - after her Hindu worship of Sangam temple to obtain the blessings of Genga Maya (Mother Ganga).

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Moody performs Hindu rituals in Sangam,

Bleed fingerprints
The hallmarks of the Blaude film school and the Indian film industry are clear at the start of the congressional campaign, which will not be easy in that pivotal state in the Indian elections between the Indian Congress Party, which sees itself as the embodiment of the Indian secularism established by Mahatma Gandhi and the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party Led by Narendra Modi, who launched his election campaign in 1998.

The National Congress Party (NCP), which has led Indian politics most of the time since independence from Britain in 1947 to the beginning of 1998 and against the rise of the Hindu extremist movement, has been betting on Priyanka's success.

Priyanka has nothing to do with her Italian mother. She speaks fluent Hindi and has the ability to mobilize the masses. Her brother Rahul, the leader of the Congress Party, has been criticized for lacking such a feature.

Congressional leaders believe Priyanka can attract women, youth and voters, as Prime Minister Narendra Mode's party, Bharatiya Janata, is poised to fight a life-and-death battle. The state has helped his party win the 2014 general election. Seats out of 80 seats in parliament.

The long run in India is just a contest for the vote-grabbing. It is a test for the long-standing National Congress Party (NCP), which appears to be a family party led by the Nehru family, which killed two different generations in his leadership: Mother Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi's father, Rajiv Gandhi. But India's politics look like Indian films long and full of surprises, oddities and contradictions.