The waiting for a receptive port has worsened the situation on the two German refugee rescue vessels in Malta, according to activists. On the "Professor Albrecht Penck" the water supply must be "strictly rationed", said the aid organization "Sea-Eye". Even on the "Sea-Watch 3" the situation "with each day more and more unstable," said board doctor Frank Dörner. Some migrants now seem to refuse to eat.

Despite the conditions on board, the EU Member States have not yet found a solution for the refugees. The Federal Government continues to rely on a distribution of 49 migrants. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert pleaded in Berlin for "a lasting, European, solidary solution, and not each new negotiations with each new ship that brings refugees in front of a Mediterranean port."

That the migrants aboard the ship of the aid organization Sea-Watch now no longer want to eat, worries the organization. "We fear that her mental and physical condition will deteriorate significantly," tweeted Sea-Watch.

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The sea rescue of Sea-Eye: Lavieren in the Mediterranean Sea

Also on board the "Professor Albrecht Penck" of the Regensburg-based NGO Sea-Eye, the situation has continued according to the organization at the beginning of the week. The 17 survivors on board slept in the infirmary for more than a week, they shared only one toilet, it said. Mattresses and change clothes do not exist.

"It needs more solidarity from the Member States," said a spokesman for the European Commission in Brussels. The intensive talks with the EU countries had continued over the weekend and the agency continued to work on a solution so that people could leave the ships quickly.

Migrants suffer from seasickness

The Commission calls on all EU countries to make their contribution. In addition, there is an urgent need for a predictable and sustainable solution on how to deal with migrants in the Mediterranean in the future.

Many of the already traumatized migrants suffer from seasickness, according to the organizations. The level of stress is increasing. From both ships the Maltese coast is visible - but they are not allowed to land there yet. The Maltese government allegedly demands a distribution of more than 200 refugees to other European countries in return.

Malta's PM Joseph Muscat had made it clear on Sunday that the country did not want to set a precedent by creating ships. Follow the situation closely, but it can not be the case that every migrant boat that is "rescued somewhere in the Mediterranean and rejected by other countries ends up in Malta". The talks at EU level are said to clarify who is responsible for the two ships and who takes the responsibility should there be a next time.

Malta, Italy and Spain refuse to accept refugees. A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior had said on Saturday that they were ready to accept people - but within the framework of a "broad European distribution solution".

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Seenotretter in dispute with MaltaThe Odyssey of "Professor Albrecht Penck"