President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko believes that it is possible to prepare the country for entry into the European Union and NATO within five years. The Ukrainian leader believes that the state will meet all the necessary criteria by 2024.

“We have to prepare the country for the next five years so that it meets the criteria for membership in the European Union and NATO,” Poroshenko said at a meeting with students of the National Pedagogical University in Ternopil.

He also urged not to believe those who say that this is unreal. Speaking about the situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Poroshenko also pointed out that four years ago the army was “in terrible condition”, but at the moment, the Armed Forces are switching to NATO standards.

Earlier, the Ukrainian leader has repeatedly declared his intentions to join the EU and the North Atlantic Alliance. At the same time over time is reduced. If in June it was about the year 2030, then in July it was about 2025. However, Poroshenko said that Europe without Ukraine "can not be full."

“Regarding the movement of Ukraine to the EU and NATO. Do not believe anyone who says that Ukraine’s entry into the EU and NATO is impossible. This is simply not true. They are trying to chop off our wings, ”the Ukrainian president said on December 4 at a meeting with students in Ivano-Frankivsk.

However, the zeal of the Kiev authorities does not find a positive response in these international organizations. Back in May, the head of the EU representation in Ukraine, Hugues Mingarelli, reported the absence of prospects for Ukrainian membership in the European Union, later adding that Kiev has a “terrible image” on the European continent.

At the same time, German Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasized that the EU would need 10 years to decide on Ukraine’s membership. In addition, Kiev will need at least another five years to fulfill the requirements.

If we talk about the North Atlantic alliance, for more than a year Hungary has placed a veto on holding Ukraine-NATO ministerial commissions, since Budapest has been dissatisfied with Ukrainian laws on education and the state language. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban emphasized that Kiev could forget about joining NATO or the EU until it restored friendly relations with Budapest.

In addition, in the summer, on the eve of the NATO summit in Brussels, the alliance refused to include Ukraine in the Enhanced Partnership Opportunities (EOP) program.

However. This did not prevent the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in November to approve the first reading of the proposed Poroshenko draft law on securing in the country's Constitution a course towards integration with the European Union and NATO.

In addition, on Tuesday, December 18, Ukrainian parliamentarians supported in the first reading the draft law “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning Military Standards”. According to this legislative initiative, it is proposed to supplement the law of Ukraine “On the Defense of Ukraine” with new terms: “military standardization”, “military standard”, “NATO standard” and “standard in the field of defense of a NATO member state”.

  • Participants of the protest action against the current president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko
  • RIA News
  • © Stringer

"Ukraine has become a wild field on which lawlessness stands"

Statements about the compliance of Ukraine with the EU and NATO criteria in 5 years are the election rhetoric of Poroshenko, which already surprises no one and does not encourage, political analyst Ivan Mezyuho believes. According to him, even supporters of European integration in Ukraine are well aware of why Poroshenko raises this topic and what he counts on.

“In fact, these are all just empty words. This is an absolutely empty statement, both in content and in effect. I think that Ukrainian voters are already tired of the promises of the president of the country. Most of the country's citizens are well aware that neither in NATO nor in the European Union will Ukraine be expected in the near future. Moreover, Kiev cannot count on the prospect of joining these organizations in the next five years, ”he stressed.

According to him, the European Union uses Ukraine as a raw materials appendage, and NATO, in turn, - as a military training ground.

“In order for the North Atlantic Alliance to deploy its contingent on the territory of Ukraine, Kiev does not have to join NATO. And, most likely, Kiev in the not-so-distant historical perspective will officially provide its territory for the NATO base, ”Mezyuho said in an interview with RT.

In turn, the Crimean political expert Vladimir Dzharalla called the statement of the Ukrainian president frankly deceitful.

“When Mr. Poroshenko speaks about his desire to introduce Ukraine to the European Union and NATO, he declares that they will carry out all the necessary reforms, this makes us remember the old joke about bees that are against honey. In order for Ukraine to join NATO and the EU, it is necessary to radically destroy the system that fed people like Poroshenko. Thus, the Ukrainian president is doing what he can best. He's lying. He lies, deceives, then deceives again, he is caught in a lie, and he continues all this, ”he stressed.

In his opinion, Poroshenko is again trying to exploit the Ukrainian dream of a European power, but she died - "burned in the fire of the Maidan, the coup d'état and the outbreak of civil war." At the same time, he added that it was NATO, led by the United States, that gained the most benefit from the situation in Ukraine.

“In the face of Ukraine, they received a magnificent tool against Russia, which they are actively exploiting. However, all European powers openly say that Ukraine is the main military danger on the military continent. She did not use her chances, did not become a civilized country, but became a wild field on which lawlessness stands, ”said Jarallah in a conversation with RT.