Poroshenko himself wrote about the meeting on his Twitter page, publishing the corresponding photo.

“I am pleased to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It is very important that we maintain regular and fruitful contacts with the leadership of the Republic of Turkey, ”he said.

Radiy zustrіchі іz President Turechchini Recep Taïp Erdogan. Extremely important, podtrimumo regular contacts and contacts with the Republic of Turkey. pic.twitter.com/ji4YZ8NSN1

- Petro Poroshenko (@poroshenko) November 3, 2018

According to Ukrinform, the meeting, which takes place in the palace in the European part of Istanbul, should last about an hour, after which it is planned to sign a number of documents.

Earlier, Poroshenko held a meeting with the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew, after which the parties signed a cooperation agreement between Ukraine and the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

The head of state during his visit to Istanbul called strategic relations between Ukraine and Turkey.