The popularity of Emmanuel Macron drops 6 points in one month to only 20% and that of Édouard Philippe 5 points to 22%, in full crisis of the "yellow vests", according to an Ipsos Game Changers poll released Wednesday.

The head of state reaches its lowest level in this barometer since taking office. Three out of four French people (76%, +6) now make an "unfavorable" judgment on their action. Of these, 50% (+6) even express a "very unfavorable" opinion.

Emmanuel Macron gives ground in all categories of opinion, including 8 points among the supporters of the Republic in motion, according to this survey for the weekly Le Point , conducted before Emmanuel Macron's speech on Monday.

Philippe wins at relatives of LR. Édouard Philippe's popularity has declined almost similar to that of the head of state and is also at its lowest since the beginning of the five-year period. Among the French respondents, 72% (+7) are "unfavorable" on its action, of which 39% (+2) now have a "very unfavorable" opinion. The head of the government recedes among close relatives of the Republicans (-13), but also of LREM (-4).

The opposition does not benefit. Oppositions, however, hardly benefit from the difficulties of the executive and their credibility with the public remains weak. The National Gathering (ex-FN) would do "better" than the current government if it was in power for only 21% of respondents (+3 compared to January 2018), France insubordinate (+3) and Republicans ( +7) for 19% and the Socialist Party for 11% (+3).

Survey conducted online on December 7 and 8 with 971 people aged 18 and over, according to the quota method. Margin of error from 1.4 to 3.1 points.