A survey conducted by the Department of Security Information at the Ministry of Interior revealed that 70% of the respondents believe that mobile phones are the most distracting reasons for drivers on the road, while 12% believe that makeup is one of the reasons why drivers are busy the path.

Eight percent of the participants attributed the reasons for the concern about the way to drivers eating food and drink while driving, 5% to the presence of children in the vehicle, and attributed 5% to brain dispersion for other reasons.

The Director of the Information Department at the Ministry of the Interior, Lieutenant Colonel Fawaz Ali Abdullah, told Emirates Today that "the administration is keen to communicate with members of the public, through opinion polls and receiving proposals through its various channels, in the framework of strengthening the community partnership and raising the level of traffic awareness In different segments, thus contributing to the reduction of road accidents ». He added that the ministry recently launched the first unified traffic campaign for 2019 under the slogan «do not get busy without the road», to raise awareness of the seriousness of this violation, which is one of the main causes of the irrigated incidents.

He pointed out that "the violation of the road is now one of the main reasons for the occurrence of accidents on the roads of the state," explaining that it takes several forms, including the use of telephone, and browse the means of social communication, and make-up, and modify Ghatra, and eat and drink, and other factors Distracting drivers, calling on drivers not to be distracted while driving, for safety and safety.