300 to 400 representatives of apprentice training centers (CFA) and the world of education were present this Friday morning October 5, in the big chamber of the regional council. The President, Christelle Morançais, wished to bring them together to confirm the support of the Region, whose role of governance of apprenticeship will be transferred to the professional branches in January 2020.

"We could have, like other regions, decided to no longer act on learning at all. We have made another choice, that of acting responsibly, in the dynamic that has been in place for the last three years and the first Grenelle of Learning. Even if she regrets the reform of governance of learning - "We are witnessing a recentralization, it's unheard" - Christelle Morançais, president of the Pays de la Loire, wants to be constructive at the moment a period opens of transition.

Pays de la Loire, champions of learning

Launched in 2016, the recovery plan for apprenticeship has paid off. The figures are there: two years later, at the end of 2017, the number of apprentices had increased by 11% (compared to 4.2% at the national level). And the provisional count of the 2018 school year (which runs until December 31st) already shows an increase of 6.6% compared to last year. These figures place the Pays de la Loire at the top of the French regions in terms of growth. At the end of September, there were 32,500 apprentices in Pays de la Loire, distributed in 53 CFA.

Maintain the effort

As part of the recovery plan for apprenticeship, the Region had allocated an envelope of thirty million euros, to supplement the funds from the apprenticeship tax. With the disposal of "apprenticeship " competence , the regional authority nevertheless decided to maintain the annual envelope of the recovery plan.

"The Region wishes to preserve the quality of training premises and technical platforms. Previous commitments will be kept, requests for equipment 2018-2019 will be taken into account, " says Christelle Morançais. In addition, the Region will continue its efforts to promote apprenticeship with the apprentice, the website www.apprentissage-paysdelaloire.fr and the establishment of ambassadors.

A regulatory role

The apprenticeship reform will take effect on January 1, 2020. At that date, an Equalization Envelope will be allocated to each Region (we are talking about a total amount of around € 36 million for the Pays de la Loire), to help CFA whose financial balance is the most difficult and respond to the concern for balance of territory. The Region wishes to strengthen the training offer, in connection with a think tank composed of CFA.

The PS wants a commission of inquiry

On the sidelines of this meeting of the actors of learning, the socialist group of the Region asked "that an impact study be quickly launched and that decisions be taken in the wake, in order to quickly reassure families and young people. on the intentions of the Region with regard to educational activities, assistance for apprentices, mobility, etc. ".