Reports about it "112 Ukraine".

It is noted that during a speech at the forum "Transformation of Ukraine" she asked the former leaders of Ukraine to support her strategy for the preservation of human potential.

“For three years in a row I have been writing letters to the Prime Minister and the President with the request to create a separate group on the preservation of human potential under the Cabinet of Ministers. The answer is zero. The only thing that interests this power is the next elections, ”she said, noting that people have no chance of survival until there is a change of political elites in the state.

“I count on our joint reaction and on the support of all of you, the former presidents of Ukraine and representatives of this forum. We have no chance of preserving the Ukrainian nation if we do not change the state policy and our personal attitude. We should not sprinkle ashes on our heads, but act, ”she noted.

According to the deputy, only its strategy of preserving human potential can prevent the extinction of Ukrainians.

In October, the Bogomolets told how in Ukraine “the revolution gave birth to a monster”.