The City of Light Paris Every year, about 12,000 people leave for other areas. The migration has been going on for several years and is expected to last until 2025.

According to the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), between 2011 and 2016, Paris lost about 60,000 of its estimated 2 million and 190,000 inhabitants.

The situation can be likened to the migration of all residents of the fifth district of Paris at once, according to the French newspaper Le Parisien.

According to the newspaper, the number of births decreased in the capital as in all regions, noting that the number of births in Paris was about 32 thousand in the first decade of this century, while it was only 28 thousand births in 2016.

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This decrease is due to the tendency of Parisians not to have children before the age of 33, while at the same time having fewer children, resulting in a birth rate of only 13% in Paris compared with 14% in the Ho Saur region and 17.9% The Sen-Dini area.

With the shortage of births, the cost of real estate in the capital is steadily increasing, because the number of buyers is more than the number of sellers in this disturbing market.

Currently, the price per square meter in 2018 amounted to 9,500 euros (10893 dollars), while not exceeding 5650 euros (6478 dollars) in 2006, and the same price was for rent.

The newspaper concluded that when the Parisian families have several children resort to the suburbs, and even go to the countryside to find a wider space and the most appropriate means available.

The newspaper attributed the complexity of the property market and its occupancy in Paris to the platforms of tourist leasing, which has become a monopoly of the market, noting that the center of Paris gives a striking example of it, citing the words of the director of "Encei" Olivier Lyon, "short-term tourist rent limits access to housing."

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In 2015, 65,000 apartments in Paris were announced on the Airbus platform, and the problem has become so big that the municipality makes it a priority this year.

"We have reached the level of preparedness; these rents affect the proportion of housing, have an effect that increases rent inflation, and calls for speculation on sales because they are very expensive, and thus deprive the property of its population for the benefit of investors," MP Emmanuel Gregoire said.