A contest to win a huge house: this is the formula chosen by its current owners, soon retired, to sell their property.

A house of 450 m2 on seven hectares with swimming pool, pond, horse boxes, all for 13 euros ... and a game to win: this is the formula chosen by its current owners, soon retired, to sell their property in black Périgord.

"We put all our work," says Brigitte Demassougne who operates for 20 years, with her husband, La Guérinière, a beautiful guest house in Cénac-et-Saint-Julien, 80 km southeast Périgueux, Dordogne.

"Someone who does not have a lot of money can win the house." But the time of the retirement approaches and it is necessary to sell the domain, estimated at 1.5 million euros. "This is a fairly expensive property," says the former restaurateur who first tried to sell through real estate agencies. Then she had the idea, a year ago, to organize a game to win the jackpot, after hearing about similar initiatives. "Someone who does not have much money can win" the house with two outbuildings "while stones, where nature is close, which hosts birds of all kinds, deer, all in a beautiful place ", she says. "Everything is nickel," she adds.

1,500 people have already competed. To try to win, just pay 13 euros of "registration fee", answer two very simple questions and evaluate the value of a showcase of three objects. The game was launched on April 1 and "it works very well," said the future retiree "who wants to get closer to the sea". In five days, 1,500 people from France but also from Canada, Belgium, Great Britain have already competed (and deposits deposited in an escrow account). It will end at the end of the year with a possible extension until the end of May 2020. The by-law, and the description of the property, are available here.