It has been several years since the police stations of the department are understaffed. This year again, there are more departures than arrivals. The union Unit SGP Police sounds the alarm.

"One click for cops. A shock sentence to denounce an alarming reality. While the police stations of the Orne have been understaffed for several years, the union Unit SGP Police announces that "no reinforcement is provided for the police stations of the Orne" .

To denounce this situation, "which jeopardizes the security of the police ornais but especially of the population" , the union launched an online petition.

The police hope to "alert the government to the situation of intolerable insecurity prevailing in Flers, Alençon and Argentan and the inadequacy of the means of the public security services to fulfill their missions . " They demand "a substantial reinforcement of national police" to carry out their missions properly.