This is reported on the office page on Facebook.

“On May 2, in Odessa, security and order will be provided by more than 2 thousand law enforcement officers. Together with the Odessa policemen, soldiers of the National Guard, cadets of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, and law enforcement officers from other regions of Ukraine will take to the streets of the city, ”the statement reads.

It is clarified that time limits will also apply in the city. In particular, temporary filtration points will be established at the Kulikovo Field and Cathedral Square, and restrictions on traffic will be imposed.

May 2, 2019 will be five years from the day of the tragic events in Odessa. On that day, 48 people died, more than 200 were injured in large-scale clashes in the city center between the radicals from “euromaidan” and opponents of the revolution in Kiev, and also as a result of a fire that started in the House of Trade Unions, where people were blocked.

Read more - in the material RT.