The Israeli occupation army seized the return ship that was heading to the Gaza Strip, and dragged it to the port of Ashdod, and the army confirmed that the seizure took place without exceptional events.

The International Committee to Break the Siege on Gaza confirmed on Sunday the interruption of contact with the ship, which was expected to arrive in the evening to the Gaza Strip.

The Commission expected that the Israeli navy would take over the ship and be taken to the port of Ashdod.

The committee denounced the Israeli piracy, warning against the attack on international activists.

For his part, spokesman for the National Movement to break the siege on the Gaza Strip Adham Abu Salmiya that the continued attempts to break the siege on the Gaza Strip is very important for the sector.

The head of the International Committee to Break the Siege on Gaza, Zahir Biraoui, condemned the Israeli attack on ships that broke the solidarity siege with Gaza in international waters, arrested solidarity activists on board from different nationalities, and controlled their ships and health aids.

He called on the international organizations to pressure the occupation to ensure the delivery of ships to fishermen in Gaza and to deliver medicines and aid to the health sector.

The correspondent of the island, Guevara al-Budairi, said that the army refused to give any information about what the ship called the provocative, "but the lack of communication with the passengers and crew means that the Israeli Navy took over".

The ship is one of a naval fleet aimed at breaking the siege on Gaza. It has so far passed 28 European ports and each station provides information on Gaza and the conditions of its population under the siege.

On Tuesday, the Gaza coast is expected to reach a second ship carrying the slogan of freedom, but it is likely that Israel will intercept it and transfer it to the port of Ashdod.

The fleet of freedom sailed from Sicily and includes 40 activists from 15 countries (the island)

The fleet left Palermo in Sicily on July 21 with about 40 activists from 15 countries.

Since 2008, Israel has thwarted five attempts to break the blockade on Gaza through naval vessels carrying human rights activists and politicians from around the world.

In 2010, Israeli special forces killed nine Turkish activists when they stormed a fleet of six ships trying to reach Gaza in defiance of the Israeli blockade. Another activist died years later.

In 2016, a ship carrying activists tried to break the Gaza blockade, but the Israeli navy stopped them and took them to the port of Ashdod, 13 km north of Gaza.

Since 2007, Israel has imposed a land and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip and has prevented the access of essential materials and medicines to the population.