North Korea condemned the remarks made by former Japanese Foreign Minister Kohtaro on the previous day through the official media.

In a commentary titled, "Unfathomable Complaints," the Chosun Central News Agency quoted Foreign Minister Kohno as saying, "The trauma that is responsible for the foreign policy of a country is not a reality in front of us, It was a good voice, and it showed the behavior of Japan as a political dwarf. "

"The way to achieve peace in the Korean Peninsula is directly linked to the issue of ending the physical warfare, and that is preconditioned." This hope for the declaration of the end of the war is the coming North Korea summit talks It is becoming more and more intense, "he said.

"We must keep in mind that Japan will continue to be shaken and to play with the wrongdoing, and that it will only be disgraced internationally, and that it will be completely pushed out of the framework of international relations as well as of the surrounding relationship."

"We will look at Japan 's behavior, which is superimposing another sins on our past sins, with a strict eye,

According to Japan's NHK, Foreign Minister Kohno said in a press conference yesterday, "It is premature to announce the end of the Korean War." After the North Korean summit, progress has not been made for denuclearization.

(yunhap news)