It was a shocked city that gathered on Saturday to pay tribute to the teenager shot dead on Wednesday night.


On Saturday afternoon, several hundred people marched through the streets of Aniche in the North to pay tribute to Ivanson, the 15-year-old teenager shot dead on Wednesday night, by three men who ran away. For the time being, the motive for the crime remains unknown but two men, including a first cousin of the teenager, were indicted for murder on Saturday, and imprisoned. The beginnings of answers, but still a lot of misunderstanding in the participants of the white march.

White roses and red headband

White roses in his hand, red bandage on his forehead, as Ivanson wore it. On Saturday, a whole city gathered around the collapsed family of the 15-year-old, shot in the head, in front of the family apartment. The inhabitants are, for the most part, still in shock. "Killing a child at close range like that is very hard," said a resident in a weak voice. Another explains that children in schools were shocked.

"He had the joy of living"

In Aniche, many describe a boy smiling and appreciated by the children of his football club and college students. With tears in their eyes, some wanted to pay tribute to the young man from Guyana. "Ivanson made friends quickly," one girl remembers. "He was loved by everyone, it was really a boy without problems," she continues before cracking: "I'm going to keep an image, like everyone else I think, of a nice, kind, polite boy. who...". Another teenager completes: "he was laughing with everyone, he always had the joy of living, he was confused with nobody".

The investigation continues to find the third person.