The Saudi government and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are responsible for the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the US ambassador to the UN, Neki Hailey, said.

"We have to make it clear to the Saudis that we will not tolerate the killing of the Saudi journalist at his consulate in Istanbul," she said in a private interview with NBC.

She stressed the need to hold serious and serious talks with the Saudis on the crime and not to do again.

Asked about the position of US President Donald Trump, who said that the CIA report did not carry the responsibility of ordering the killing of Khashoggi, Hayley replied, "We have relations with many countries, but when such events occur, , And not abandon our values. "

Hailie, the US commissioner who leaves office in the coming days, has a televised statement to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that the United States will hold accountable those found responsible for the murder of the Saudi journalist. Investigations into the crime are still ongoing.

In contrast, President Donald Trump said in a private interview with Reuters yesterday that he stood by the Saudi Crown Prince despite the CIA's assessment that the latter had ordered the killing of the journalist and despite pleas from senators to denounce the Saudi prince.

Khashoggi's death early last October sparked a worldwide outcry against the kingdom and claims to locate the body.