By RFIPubliée on 27-03-2019Modified the 27-03-2019 at 18:12

A new attack was perpetrated Tuesday night in the Diffa region of Niger. Twelve civilians were killed in the village of Nguigmi more than a hundred kilometers from Diffa. Two female suicide bombers activated their charge while at the same time armed men attacked another neighborhood in the area.

All the victims are civilians while the first target of the attack was clearly safe. The two suicide bombers targeted the perimeter that brings together the prefecture, the police station and a Nguigmi barracks.

The first one triggered its charge as soon as it was lit by the flashlight of a police officer on duty, but did not make any victim. The other would have managed to sneak into the nearby camp, and would have taken refuge in a shed, according to a security source.

It was there that she activated her charge upon the arrival of a woman, accompanied by her sister and two children. A family who had heard the first explosion and thought they were safe in an officer's home.

At the same time in another neighborhood, several men on foot, dressed in fatigues, opened fire on an IDP camp.

Four people were shot dead, and four others were burned in their homes. A heavy toll, the result of a single attack coordinated by an official source that speaks of acts of desperation on the part of the Boko Haram fighters.

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