Netflix's chief executive, Reed Hastings, said on Monday that Netflix will not make its television programs and movies available through Apple's video service.

"We prefer to allow our customers to see our content on our servers," Hastings told reporters at the company's offices in Hollywood. "We chose not to integrate with their service."

Apple is expected to unveil a digital television and video service on March 25, a move that will increase competitors for Netflix and other entertainment programs online.

Sources familiar with the matter told Reuters that Apple's new service could resell subscriptions to large production companies such as CBS, Viacom, Leon Gats and others, as well as Apple's original production.

Asked about the looming competition, Hastings said the biggest challenge for Netflix was not to "get involved" with competitors but to "learn lessons" from them.

"These are amazing companies and large, well-funded and very large," Hastings said. "They will make some wonderful performances, we will envy them, they will come up with some wonderful ideas, we will want to borrow them."

"We will make the industry better if we have big competitors," he said.

On Netflix's arrival in China, Hastings said he expected Netflix to be banned in China for as long as other US technology companies.