“The EU’s response to the last decision of Pristina cannot be described as toothless. This is an irresponsible policy that has crossed a dangerous line, ”TASS quotes him.

The diplomat noted that the emergence of a full-fledged army of Kosovo threatens a repetition of the armed conflict in the Balkans.

According to Nebenzi, the decision to create an army contradicts UNSC resolution 1244.

"As for the decision violating resolution 1244 on the creation of the Kosovo armed forces, it should be immediately annulled," the permanent representative added.

It became known earlier that Kosovo’s deputies approved the creation of a full-fledged army in the country.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted that the alliance regrets about this decision of the republic.

UN Secretary General António Guterres also expressed concern about the decision of Kosovo to create an army.