At Château de Pommorio, in Tréveneuc (Côtes-d'Armor), near Saint-Quay-Portrieux, the autumn rendez-vous of the Garden Festival brings together high quality nurserymen, on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October 2018. There they wait for lovers of beautiful trees and plants that make rare gardens.

Pretty headliner, Saturday 27 and Sunday, October 28, 2018, at the Tréveneuc Garden Festival (Côtes-d'Armor): the famous nursery Hennebelle, created in the 1960s in Boubers-sur-Canche (Pas-de-Côtes) Calais), by Jean-Pierre Hennebelle, father of a large number of illustrious plants. After his death, his two sons, Jean-Loup and Nicolas, brilliantly took over.

The jewels of a nursery

The Hennebelle nursery is thousands of varieties staged over three kilometers of paths in an exuberant garden. In Tréveneuc, Nicolas Hennebelle will bring a concentrate of the jewels of his northern land. Trees with bark and decorative foliage, others with remarkable fruit or flowering.

It will be well surrounded in the alleys of the park of the castle of Pommorio. It's impossible to name them all, but the choice of nurserymen here is always draconian.

Some names only. Loubert roses, specialist of old roses; Marine-breeder producing dry-land plants, a collector of rhubarb and asters; Carpus, expert in ground cover, a nursery specialist of old fruit trees.

A pink banana tree

Impossible to name them all. Note anyway Zen palm, which has a collection of banana, all produced by his care ... including a pink banana.

Along the water, an aquatic nurseryman, collector of water lilies, who has just won the prestigious Grand Prix of Saint-Jean-de-Beauregard (Essonne). Then Vert'tiges and Saint-Ilan, two beautiful nurseries, faithful each season to the Garden Festival of Pommorio.

It should be noted that one of the exhibitors will have made a long trip since his nursery, Mie Blamie (small flower), is located in Salzburg, Austria.

The choice of nurseries is large, but there are also speakers and artisans, among others. | DR

All about hydrangea

A plant frequently cultivated in Brittany will be the object of all the attention during these two days: hydrangea, better known under the name of hydrangea. This is good this fall, since this plant has the good taste to look good until frost in our gardens, with its delicate hues.

Hydrangeas, a plant that lives well during the fall season. | WEST FRANCE

This week-end, Hortensias Haut Bois, morbihannaise nursery cultivating 750 different varieties of hydrangeas in the ground, on 15 ha in Taupont, we will be full eyes.

Ronan Garin, at the head of this nursery, and author of The Encyclopedia of my most beautiful Hortensias and Hydrangeas , will dedicate and animate workshops and conferences to teach us how to cut, grow or prune them.

Not to mention the permaculture garden of the Peat-es-Chênes, of Hénon, where Grégory Roche cultivates his garden as a wise man, what he will try to teach us during a conference entitled "Do you know your soil well? ".

The trees with beautiful bark, featured this weekend at the castle of Pommorio. | DR

Favorite for giant nests

Let's end with the heart stroke of Christophe Courcy, the organizer of the event. Francis Béninca sculpts iron lace, light and delicate, like that which can be admired on a terrace, in the park of La Roche-Jagu.

In Tréveneuc, he arrived Friday with arbours and giant nests. Impressive and intended to "raise public awareness of the disappearance of birds in the countryside".

The lace of Francis Béninca, just arrived in Pommorio (Côtes-d'Armor), Friday, October 26, 2018. | DR

Garden Festival at Pommorio Castle, Tréveneuc (Côtes-d'Armor), Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October 2018, from 9.30am to 6pm (5.30pm on Sunday). Admission: € 3 (free for children under 16). Free parking. Complete list of exhibitors, workshops, conferences and children's entertainment on