In Basse-Goulaine, a 27-year-old man stabbed members of his family in early October. This Monday, November 19, he was indicted for attempted homicide and placed in custody.

On 4 October, just before midnight, a 27-year-old man had stabbed his parents and sister in the family home in Basse-Goulaine several times. Then had tried to escape the gendarmes, all night long. A large-scale device had been deployed, with helicopter, dog team, research brigade ...

The suspect, who was undergoing psychiatric treatment, was finally found partially naked the next day in a nearby garden. And directly hospitalized, under duress. Her parents and sister were taken care of for injuries, but their health had, quite quickly, inspired less concern.

This Monday, November 19, the suspect was presented to an examining magistrate, the courthouse of Nantes. Indicted for "attempted homicide", he was, in the wake, placed in custody. His lawyer has the opportunity to appeal within the next ten days.