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The activist Jean-Baptiste Redde aka Voltuan, famous for his placards within the social movements for years, Saturday, January 26, 2019 in Paris for the act XI "yellow vests". Zakaria ABDELKAFI / AFP

This is one of the ideas raised at the Elysee to get out of the crisis of "yellow vests": a referendum, perhaps the day of the European elections, on the reform of the Constitution (decrease in the number of parliamentarians, vote White...). But the hypothesis is rejected by the opposition and even within the majority. Many ministers and walkers do not want it.

A referendum to appease the "yellow vests"? " Not sure that it does, " says a former close adviser to Emmanuel Macron. " Those who still protest will not want it if it comes from the state . "

Another problem: what question to ask the French? For this influential member of La République en Marche, organizing a referendum solely on institutional issues would be a " mistake ". " People want more tax justice, not talk about the decline in the number of MPs . "

And when to organize this vote? The Elysee has advanced the date of May 26, the same day as the European elections. " Not a good idea, " said Richard Ferrand, the Speaker of the National Assembly. It is shooting himself in the foot, adds a minister. " If we make Europeans a national poll, it will settle Wauquiez and Le Pen . "

Even the prime minister doubts. " We all have to gain from the clarity of the debate " on Europe, said Edouard Philippe to senators.

Between caution and reluctance, the idea of ​​a referendum is far from convincing. A minister evacuates and sends the question back to after March 15: " We want to end the debate before the end of the debate! "