Moroccan security arrested 10 people suspected of forging official documents for Israelis in order to gain citizenship of the kingdom, according to a statement issued by the Directorate General of Moroccan Security, published by the official news agency in the Kingdom.

The statement said that members of a judicial police force managed on Tuesday and Wednesday to arrest 10 people suspected of links to a criminal network active in forging official documents for the purpose of obtaining the nationality of the Kingdom and its identity documents.

The criminal network was led by a Jewish-Moroccan citizen, comprising three police officers, government officials and a commercial agent of a travel agency, as well as three other persons suspected of complicity in facilitating such criminal acts.

According to the statement, the network visits birthdays for citizens with Israeli citizenship of non-Moroccan origin.

Fake testimonies are also obtained from non-registration in civil status records, then filed in court files to seek the registration of a civil status, and then the issuance of birth certificates to the identities of Moroccan citizens who adhere to the Jewish religion.

According to the same source, the main suspect in this network aims to enable the beneficiaries of Moroccan passports for purposes of illegitimacy, in exchange for funds.

According to the statement, the main suspect has benefited from possible complicity by police officers, agents of the Authority and public officials (government officials) in order to obtain forged official documents.

The suspects were kept pending completion of the ongoing investigations under the supervision of the competent public prosecution, in order to determine the circumstances and circumstances of the case, to disclose all foreign beneficiaries of these criminal acts, and to arrest all those involved in the activities of the network, according to the same source.