Moroccan King Mohamed VI has pardoned hundreds of detainees and convicted on several counts, as well as 22 people sentenced on charges of "extremism and terrorism" since 2003, whose attempts to benefit from previous pardons have failed.

The King of Morocco issued orders on the occasion of the "Revolution of the King and the People", which benefited 329 prisoners, ranging from a reduction of sentences from life imprisonment to a specific prison and full amnesty.

The statement added that the beneficiaries of the royal amnesty in the case of his release of 99 people, where 29 of them were exempted from the penalty of imprisonment, while the king was relieved of 64 of the fine, and two benefited from amnesty punishment while keeping the fine, and exempt four of the sentences of imprisonment and a fine.

The royal amnesty included 22 prisoners sentenced to extremism and terrorism, who participated in the second round of the "reconciliation" program aimed at reintegrating them into society. Seventeen of them will be released while the rest will be reduced.

In a related context, the Joint Committee for the Defense of Islamic detainees issued a statement in which the names of the twenty-two beneficiaries of the amnesty were listed, and that "among them are detained in light of the events of 16 May 2003 terrorist in Casablanca."

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In its statement, the Committee congratulated the detained Islamic detainees and said, "I wish the Almighty to hasten the release of the oppressed everywhere."

On May 16, 2003, Morocco witnessed bombings that claimed the lives of dozens of people and wounded some 3,000 people. They were sentenced to life imprisonment and death. Some of them were sentenced, while others benefited from pardons.

This year Morocco celebrates the 65th anniversary of the revolution against French colonialism, which began on August 20, 1953, when colonialism denied the late King Mohammed V (the grandfather of the current king) to Madagascar, before returning in 1955 and gaining independence the following year.