Cries of "Macron resignation", about 150 people gathered Wednesday at the edge of the new Handball House in Creteil, in the Val-de-Marne, Emmanuel Macron came to inaugurate before leaving for the World Cup French team. A call for a unitary rally was launched by several union organizations (high school students, students and poor housing), joined by a handful of "yellow vests", to make a common front against government policy.

With the CRS. A large security perimeter had been set up around the Handball House, and the hundred or so demonstrators were stationed at about 900 m. "National police, militia capital" or "Macron you're screwed, the workers are in the street," chanted the protesters. Slight clashes broke out with CRSs using tear gas.

CRÉTEIL - #Yellowjackets disrupt Emmanuel Macron's move. Intervention of the police.

- Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) January 9, 2019

"You must not let go." Emmanuel Macron, arrived around 3:20 pm, was welcomed inside by the players of the France team who fly in the afternoon for Germany where they will play their first match of the World Cup. "Thank you for the dreams you gave birth to, vocations, now it's up to you to play, the ball is in your court, we're behind you," said the head of state, a bullet from hand in hand. He then attended a junior training. "You must not give in. You are becoming examples for those who are behind (...) So I'm counting on you," he told them.