There were no deaths on the roads of Morbihan in November 2018, unlike 2017. But there are already 42 deaths killed between early January and late November, five more than the same period in 2017.

56 accidents, 33 wounded and none killed. The record of road safety in November 2018 is better than that of November 2017, when 51 accidents, 65 injuries and three deaths were reported.

More deaths on the roads

However, the number of people killed on the roads of Morbihan over the first eleven months of the year is increasing compared to last year, over the same period.

Fewer accidents

42 people died between January and November, five more than last year at the same date. The number of accidents is down (505 against 542) as the number of injured (638 against 687) and hospitalized wounded (186 against 266).