After a sunny weekend, the weather will be cloudy Monday, with showers in the west but still mild, according to Météo-France forecasts.

Monday, on the southern half of the country, the sun will be absent, indicates Meteo-France in its last bulletin. A veil of clouds will cover the sky and let drop a few drops in the morning and flakes on the Pyrenees from 1800 m.

A degradation in the afternoon. On the north, bright spells will be present at the beginning of the day. The morning greyness on Brittany will dissipate quickly. In the afternoon, clouds will gain ground and spread across the country. The degradation will affect regions from the Southwest to the Paris region, with more or less frequent showers. On the east half, the weather will remain dry. Only a few showers will be possible on the Jura relief. The northeast wind will remain moderate on the Channel coast.

Mercury side. The minimum will be between 3 and 6 degrees on the Hauts-de-France, 4 to 9 degrees elsewhere. The maximum will remain spring with 16 to 21 degrees in general.