HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said: "The year 2019 presents opportunities and challenges, but we are optimistic politically, economically and humanely.

This came during the presence of His Highness yesterday, part of the activities of the "Arab Strategic Forum" in Dubai in its 11th session, which attracts regional and international political and economic figures, and a group of thinkers, strategic analysts and policy makers in the region and the world, to discuss the situation of the world and participate in exploring the state of the region Arab and the world economically and politically for the year 2019.

"The region is on schedule with projects and opportunities, and we hope that 2019 will see the launch of the special wheel," Sheikh Mohammed said. With these projects. "

"Economic and political opportunities have led us to think constantly about all open options, and we have chosen development, dialogue and progress," said His Highness Sheikh Mohammed. He concluded by saying: «The ability to look ahead is the ability to adapt to its variants and benefit from its capabilities».

HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and Future Chairman of the Arab Strategy Forum Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Ministers and officials.

Vice President of the State:

• "The world economy is in a permanent movement, but we do not rely on reactions, we try to make our reality and our future."

• "The region is on schedule with projects and opportunities, and we hope that 2019 will see the launch of the wheel of these projects."

Trusted Future Scenarios

The 11th Arab Strategic Forum, entitled "The State of the World in 2019", aims at presenting credible future scenarios and developing a comprehensive set of current data and future indicators for policymakers and policymakers to formulate well-thought-out strategies. Feasible future.