Fatima Hamdi-Algeria

More than ten days after his appointment as Algeria's first minister, Noureddine Badawi has yet to announce his new government. Observers believe that he is "floundering" in the search for those who accept to join the upcoming government group, which the opposition sees as valid for only one month.

As Badawi continues his long consultations, his deputy, Ramtan Lamamra, will miss his tour of Italy, Russia, China and other countries on a mission to explain what is going on and try to convince international parties of the views of the parties in control.

With the announcement of the various unions rejecting the invitation received by the first ministry, to attend the consultative meeting, the major opposition parties - in a statement to the island Net - not to call by the Authority, noting that "Badawi knows very well that we will not depart from our positions."

Opposition rejects
"Badawi has failed or failed in his efforts to form a government, and the authority has failed to manage a smooth transition of government," said Ahmad al-Dan, secretary-general of the opposition opposition movement.

"Badawi could not convince the street or the political parties, but there will be more changes from the government, starting with the resignation of the president, the completion of his mandate and handing over to the president of the National Assembly," he said in a statement to Al Jazeera.net. In a consensual formulation ".

He pointed out that the Authority failed to find a solution to a crisis it had created itself by insisting on the covenant. It did not improve the reading of the Algerian psyche who was impatient for the higher interest, and when he saw the authority's insistence on exceeding the reasonable limits to stay in power,

For his part, Abdul Razzaq Muqri, head of the Movement for Society of Peace (the largest Islamic party in the country) said that the first ministry did not contact his party to attend the consultative meeting.

"We have not been contacted, because they know our position very well, and they are aware that we will not turn away from our decisions and our convictions towards everything that is wrong," he told Al Jazeera.net.

Makri pointed out that "the ball is now in the court of power, but insists on confirming its continuation through Bouteflika's last message."

No dialogue with the Authority
For his part, denied the former Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of the Party of the primacy of freedoms of the opposition to be "received a call from the First Ministry," and said, "We refuse to sit at the table with the Authority and they are well aware, so they did not contact us."

"We rejected the national symposium and every position of the authority is not negotiable with us, we have not received a call, and we will not be with people who violated the Constitution," Benflis told Al Jazeera.net.

"We will not participate in spoiling Algeria, Badawi, the architect of the laws that tell the forgery and the message of Bouteflika. It comes from unconstitutional forces that want to control Algeria and have controlled it for the past 20 years."

"The PA is trying to circumvent the clear demands of the people, which were expressed by millions of Algerians who reject the ruling regime," said Abdallah Jaballah, head of the opposition Justice and Development Party.

Beginning of the End
Jaballah said in a statement to Al-Jazeera Net that his party is impossible to be part of a government established by the current authority.

"We said explicitly that we reject any guardianship they try to impose on the people, the original to withdraw themselves at the will of millions of Algerians instead of evasion."

Local media circulated leaks confirming the departure of President Al-Mouradi Palace with the end of his current mandate on April 28, and that he made a decision not to lead the transitional period, against the backdrop of the insistence of the street not to stay after the end of his current mandate.

He pointed out that these leaks came in conjunction with the sudden statements by the spokesman of the National Democratic Rally Party friend Chehab - through one of the channels - when he said that Algeria "was run by unconstitutional forces over the past years," admitting the error of the nomination of Bouteflika in his health.