"You have the impression that we are trying to put your head in the sand but (...) we want to do you good," said Thursday the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn to a dozen "yellow vests "met in Lozère. "We entered politics by conviction, we want to do you good, we must listen to you," said the minister, also in charge of Solidarities, during this meeting at the town hall of Saint-Chély-d'Apcher, in northern Lozere.

"Politics hinders us and prevents us from living on our territories", explained these "yellow vests" - a worker, a sports teacher, a retired or an unemployed taxi driver - during this meeting organized before the press as the first stage of Agnès Buzyn's visit to Lozère. This is the first visit of the minister to this isolated rural department.

A local consultation delivered to the Minister. Assuring "working for peace", Eric Lecuyer, who walked to Paris as part of the movement of "yellow vests", warns the minister that across the country "anger rises for lack of dialogue." Another blames the "haughty behavior" and "arrogance" of the head of state.

Marc said he joined the movement to protest the rise in fuels but have been touched by the precariousness he has met including among "retirees who can not afford to turn on their boiler." "Here the yellow vest has become a social actor," says Ludovic, 38, "we brought human warmth to fight against the individualism of the environment." These "yellow vests" gave the minister a local consultation with more than 1,000 people.